Welcome to DogsVOD - Where you "Watch what you Need"

Need help with your dog? Want to improve their skills? We are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.

Life is about educating ourselves! Just as our parents and teachers taught us; so we must teach our children and pets.

Good teaching consists of a good knowledge base, and realistic application in a real world situation.

Our videos will teach you to recognize issues, understand them, pattern good behaviors, and proof them in the real world.

Most dogs are trainable, and training when done right is easy.

We are one of the most experienced behavioral school in the world. For thirty-five years we have trained dogs just like yours.

Pets, working dogs, sport dogs! Rescues, puppies, pure-breeds, mixed-breeds! Over 25,000 dogs have graduated from our programs.

Our videos are professionally produced to teach you how to obtain lasting results in a positive way.

They show professional instructors finding real solutions for real issues with real clients.

Spend a little time with us. Watch only what you need!

Learn what it takes to make a Good Dog a Better Dog; or even an Awesome Dog!

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